Trains in the Mersey docks By Dave Sallery
57009 on a Freightliner train to Crewe in Liverpool docks, July 2003.
This website is a selection of photos of mainly rail freight activity within the Mersey docks. Locations featured are Liverpool, Birkenhead and Ellesmere Port. There have been many changes since these photos were taken. Birkenhead docks and Ellesmere Port haven't seen a train for many years, The photos I ccould take inside Liverpool docks ended abruptly in 2004 because photographic passes were withdrawn after that date as a security issue. All the photos on this site are taken from scanned transparencies.
Index of pages
60024 on a coal train to Fiddlers ferry power station near Warrington. Seen after loading at Liverpool Bulk Terminal on November 8 2001.
Next page: Liverpool Docks page 1