The 76cm gauge railways of Yugoslavia

Uskotracne (76-centimetarske) pruge bivse Jugoslavije

A selection of photos by Dr. E Scherer - page 1

Many thanks to Dr. Ewalt Scherer for permission to use a selection of his photos.  The first page is of station views and the following two are of locos and trains in various locations.  The detail in the station views is so good, particularly for historians and modellers, that I have included a link for each photo so that they may be viewed full size.

(Titovo) Uzice

The station, goods yard and loco shed at Titovo Uzice (as it was known then) on 31st of July 1970.  At least 10 locos can be seen plus a large number of wagons carrying logs.  Click here for a larger view.


Visegrad seen on 2nd August 1970, a class 83 is shunting in the yard while another is entering on a freight at the top of the photo.  Click here for a larger view

Three views of the narrow gauge station in Sarajevo

The passenger station, 3 August 1965 - click here for a larger view.

The carriage sidings, 2 August 1965 - click here for a larger view.

The goods depot and marshalling yard on the same date, click here for a larger view.


A freight from the Visegrad direction heads for Sarajevo near Bistrik station, 3rd August 1965.  The train is headed by a class 83 with a mallet tank engine on the rear.  Click here for a larger view.

Next page: Photos by Dr E Scherer - page 2

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