The Railways of North Wales - Changing trains: page 32

Class 08 shunters

08525, Holyhead, 29th June 1993.

08585 looking very lonely in the closed Freightliner depot at Holyhead, 5th May 1993.

08635 about to pass through the washing plant at Holyhead. 24th July 1987.

08742 performing shunting duties at Holyhead, 13th March 1991.

08814 out of use in Rhyl yard, 21st July 1984.

Mostyn Docks shunters

No 1 was built by the Yorkshire Engine Co. in 1957, works no. 2627.   It is seen here on March 6th 2000.

No. 2 was built in 1960, works no. 2819 and was photographed on the same date.  Both locos were built for the Darwin & Mostyn Iron Co. which used to occupy the site.

No. 2 brings loaded bogie bolsters into the unloading siding on 14th April 2000.  No. 1, by now out of use, is seen on the loco siding in the left background.

No. 2 on more bogie bolsters with No. 1 on the right, 28th March 2002.

Finally the loads proved too heavy for the ancient No. 2 and this Sentinel was hired from RMS, Locotec.  January 2003.

Out of use No. 1 and its replacement in August 2003.  On the right are two of the turbine housings for the North Hoyle windfarm.  You could almost fit a loco inside one of them!

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